Old-Fashioned Bar Soap
Nourishing ingredients include Goats Milk, Aloe Vera, Shea and Cocoa Butters. Homegrown Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, and many other Botanicals are added to heal and rejuvenate your skin. What a combination! The rich, creamy lather is cleansing yet moisturizing, all the while relaxing your mind and body with the pure scent of quality essential oils and/or fragrance oils. A generously sized 5(+) ounce bar enhances the experience. Do away with those chemical laden "gels" and cleansers and get- au naturel!
* Jewelweed soap (3oz.) - for Poison Ivy, is a before, after, AND treatment bar. You can put the lather on prone areas and let dry before exposure to help in preventing the oils from the Poison Ivy plant reacting with the skin. Wash with the soap after exposure and rinse off, to rid the skin of any oils from coming in contact with the plant. To soothe the rash that has developed already, lather up and leave on affected area and let dry. Soothes the itch- instantly!